Responsive Padding Example

Frequently Asked Questions

The dates for my class include a Federal Holiday. Will we have class on that day?

Unfortunately, we cannot avoid holding class on some holidays. Any class dates on our schedule that may include a holiday will have class on that holiday.

We may have classes on the following Federal Holidays:

  • MLK Birthday
  • Washington's Birthday / Presidents' Day
  • Junteenth
  • Columbus Day
  • Veterans Day

How do I register for a class?

You may fill out our online enrollment application or download an application in a  fill-able pdf format.  This link: MBA USA Enrollment Application will take you there.

Do I have to pay for a class in advance?

We have options regarding payment. For our government students, a completed and approved Standard Form 182 (SF182 - Authorization, Agreement, and Certification of Training) submitted with, or shortly after you send your application, will usually reserve your place in a class. Payment can then be made any time up to the first day of class.  Alternatively, you may pay a deposit to hold a space in a class or pay in full with your application.  Please read our cancellation and refund policies on the application. 

I paid a deposit when registering. When is the balance due?

Any balance is due the first day of class. It can be paid any time up to, and including, the first day of your training.

When is the deadline for applying for a class?

We prefer to have enrollment at least 30 days before the start of class. We can accept applications as little as a few days before class depending on the class and enrollment level. Some classes fill up faster than others, so it is in your best interest to enroll as early as possible.

How can I tell if there is space available in a class?

When a class fills up, the dates on our course schedule will be crossed out.  We also try to add notes to the dates, such as "Limited Availability" when only one or two seats are open.  You may also call us at 859-887-0496 to verify availability.  Please note that classes are filled on a first-come, first-served basis of received applications.  If you are told that space is available one day, it may not be available the next day.

Can I submit my enrollment application before I get approval for funding?

You are welcome to submit an enrollment application at any time. However, we do not confirm enrollment in a course without receiving funding paperwork, a deposit, or payment in full. Submitting an enrollment application before your funding paperwork will give us contact information so we can notify you if the class is almost full, but it does not reserve a seat in a class.

Are your classes only in Kentucky? Do you have another location?

Typically, our courses are conducted at our facility in Nicholasville, Kentucky. This is our only permanent location. We can, however conduct some of our classes at your location for a small group. Contact our education division for a quote on customized classes.

What is your dress code? Do I need to wear my uniform?

Dress is casual. Most of our courses involve hands-on training, so you should dress comfortably for work. For those in the military, we do not require you to be in uniform.

What tools should I bring?

We will provide any tools and materials necessary for class. If you would like to bring your own tools to use in class, please check with the instructor first.

May I bring a laptop or tablet for taking notes?

If you would like to bring an electronic device for note taking, that is permitted.

What time does class start?

Unless we notify you otherwise, all classes begin at 9am. Please note that we are in the Eastern Time Zone.

Where can I stay while I'm there?

There are hotels in Nicholasville very near our location. There are also many hotels in nearby Lexington. Some hotels offer a reduced rate for our students. To learn more, view our Area Information page.